SMH 21.1, Great Ocean Rd & The Big Swim

Well done everyone on all your gutsy Sydney Morning Herald half marathon / relay runs & cheering out on course. We had many runners, but we're still adding in all their results & official times see further below and also for the GOR results.

the rejoovers & race winner liam adams post race with his winning cheque & also sponsored by himanshu dua - Icg pictured far right

the rejoovers & race winner liam adams post race with his winning cheque & also sponsored by himanshu dua - Icg pictured far right

Congrats gidon on your half marathon pb and a week later on your new baby girl

Congrats gidon on your half marathon pb and a week later on your new baby girl

Thank you Rejoov Runners on your fundraising support for Sophie Cotton Smith's Running for Premature Babies, we are amazed and thankful for what they have achieved for saving babies & supporting families. It was a big celebration post race and at the Coogee Diggers that afternoon for all the premmie babies fam. 

Premmie babies pre-race pic 2017 with over 500 runners in their 11th year - congratulations sophie cotton smith and team

Premmie babies pre-race pic 2017 with over 500 runners in their 11th year - congratulations sophie cotton smith and team

Congratulations Rio Olympian Liam Adams (follow on Instagram @liamadamsrunner ) on his win in the smh half in 65.11. Thanks sponsor ICG - Internal Consulting Group Himanshu Dua for your support to Rejoov and awesome to see ICG getting behind runners such as Liam to sponsor them cash! Elite runners put so much into the sport that they deserve sponsorship and it's great coverage for a quality company. Win-Win. We were thrilled to have Liam hang out with us for a while at the Rejoov & Premmie Babies tents, such a great down to earth guy!

Rejoovers & premmie babies supporters & mum and daughter Grace and fiona 

Rejoovers & premmie babies supporters & mum and daughter Grace and fiona 

SMH Half Marathon / Relay rejoov group or online runners: 

- Malcolm Eadie 1.22.55 over 2min PB 

- Gidon Edinburg 1.23.19 over a minute PB 

- Matt Wacher 85.14 PB

- Anthony Biggs 1.26.53

- David Hazelwood 1.26.56 PB

- Maya Borthwick 1.29.08

- Johnny McCormack course pb 1.29.11

- Adam Ballesty course pb 1.35.49

- Paige Taylor 1.40.16

- Lisa Sherman course pb 1.40.53 happy and on track for GC half 

- Madi Gulliver 1.42.45

- Richard Taylor 1.43.05 

- Rachael Honeywood post Boston marathon high & pacing Tommy C 1.44 to a course pb and both having fun! 

- Tom Callachor course pb 1.44.02 course PB and under a minute over his PB.

- Sarah Bembrick 1.45.04 

- Grace Cannavo 1.45.44 PB 

- Claire Marston 1.46.37 good prep for GC marathon 

- Larissa Williams debut half (finally we all say lol) after her debut Sydney 10k event 2 weeks ago 1.51.36 PB

- Fiona Taylor 1.58.31

- Tara 1:59.04 - course PB by two mins. But 1.5mins over Blackmores PB

- Andrea O'Shannesey debut 2.19.07 PB

- Fiona McDonald 2.28.11 (Grace's Mum) 

- Ashleigh Thomas debut 2:24 PB & sub 2:30 and happy with that

- Samantha Feeley 1.53.27 PB

- Monika Graham 2.03.23

- Olivia Burton 1.56.24 PB 

- Sarah Dawes debut 1.54.34 PB

- Jo Hadley 1.54.38

- Lesley Mason 2.15.45

- Pam Biegl debut 2.38.11 PB

- Polina 

- Candice Razza debut 2.16.31

- Janet McLearie 1.56

- Michelle Ansley 1.50.24 

- Yury Gliken in a big baby costume 1.46

- Hayley unwell couldn't finish but great team spirit with all the family there too

- Chris Truscott & Laura James 95min pacer for premmie babies 

- ICG Sponsors - Himanshu Dua 1.25.55 & Floriana 1.39.26


- Grant Sherman 14k w mate 7k relay 64.38 awesome relay, stoked

- Emma Trehey 14k & Michael Martin 7k relay 1.58.26 hubby and wife team pb

- Anne-Maree O'Mara & Lyn, mum and daughter relay

- Susan & Cathie relay 1.55.25, 154 team out of 615

- Melissa Deegan & Emma Salkavich relay 1.59.54

- Mary Stringer ran relay Team Puttick on her own! 14k 69.10


Well done to our runners at the Great Ocean Road events, they had a ball and highly recommend it to everyone for next year: 

GOR half 23k / ultra marathon 44k: 

- Darren MacGregor official half time was 91:34 which I was also happy with. 98:43 23k which I was really happy with. Pretty hilly course and odd distance but good fun. 

- Lucy Stranger 1.39 half and 1.47 23k, debut, happy, great weather, highly recommends event 

- Pia Gilmour 1.54 half time and 23k 2.06

- Deborah Ford 44k 4.50

- Lucas Meaney 44k 4.15

Sensational swims in the pairs 10k Big Swim from Bondi to Watsons Bay: Saorla Finucane (and Matt) with their mixed team win. Well done Mary King with her team - brilliant work!

Rejoov on water! Go the Irish! Congrats Saorla on your team win with gun swimmer Matt - The Big Swim Bondi to Watsons Bay

Rejoov on water! Go the Irish! Congrats Saorla on your team win with gun swimmer Matt - The Big Swim Bondi to Watsons Bay

Coach Greta 4th Ultra Trail Australia & team Rejoov

By Greta Truscott

"Finish line I’m coming for ya! Picking up the “pace" with a few km to go in the Pace UTA22 @ultratrailaustralia recently. Hammies, quads & butt are twice the size - pumping hard (& hurting) to cope with the demand of this relentless Blue Mts course. Trying to balance on the mud and rocks, concentrating on every step & happy to be out there. I’ve had some peeps ask me for a re-cap of the race so here’s a little report, but I’ll add to a blog soon.. I was happy with my race & 4th place female (1st in age group) as I paced pretty well. It was HARD the whole way and everything hurt from my feet to my face - #painface. I had been hydrating on tailwind in the 3 days pre-race, eating plenty of carbs in all my meals & getting to bed earlier. The race was delayed to about 10.30am but I had fuelled well across the morning with a bowl of porridge, banana, honey sandwich, tailwind & coffee. I had 3 endura raspberry gels during the race - 1 every 30mins and sipped on tailwind from my camelbak the whole way. I hadn't been able to do as much mileage as I’d have liked since 6 Foot Track in 2016 with the ankle - about 50-60k a week, but I had still been doing quality runs and on the tail end of a great Swim Run season. So my fitness & strength got me through. I had lost my voice with tonsillitis just days before the race so couldn’t ask questions, but it was brilliant to listen to the @paceathletic UTA Panel at the Nomad Brewary just 5 days earlier & was thrilled to be able to take part in the race. We encourage everyone to join in the lead up activities/panels & event next year. Thanks @aurora_images for the pic. #bluemountains#ultratrailaustralia #trailrunning #runners#community #runhappy #sharethetrails #tailwindnutrition  "

Pace UTA22 Coach Greta gunning it home for 4th place

Pace UTA22 Coach Greta gunning it home for 4th place

It has been yet another huge weekend for Rejoovers across the Ultra Trail Australia events, SMH half marathon, Great ocean road events and the Big Swim from Bondi to Watsons Bay! But let's start with the UTA in the beautiful Blue Mountains.. Tracey Hind, Natalie Ward, Dave Stewart, Chris and Greta all loved the Pace 22k in its 2nd year with double the runners - approx 1200. Although grimacing at the time with the intense down hills and uphills & stairs it was a brilliant event. Congrats Juny Xi Yang on her debut 50k after overcoming sore knees, sickness, family health scare the spirit came out on top. And the same can be said for our Lisa Mintz who also battled her demons and finished the 100k and is now responding to her 100s of Facebook messages. We really hope Lisa & Juny feel lots of love and recover well and soak up all their tenacious achievements. 

Juny at the start of her 50k debut ultra - congrats Juny

Juny at the start of her 50k debut ultra - congrats Juny

well done natalie ward - online runner - on your uta 22k pb - great finish!!

well done natalie ward - online runner - on your uta 22k pb - great finish!!

Awesome effort tracey hind - online runner - love your work - uta 22k finish yay

Awesome effort tracey hind - online runner - love your work - uta 22k finish yay

sensational 100k under wraps lisa mintz you are one tough & determined lady!! 

sensational 100k under wraps lisa mintz you are one tough & determined lady!! 

UTA 22k before the race start - go Dave Stewart!! 

UTA 22k before the race start - go Dave Stewart!! 

Coaches Chris & Greta Truscott at the start of the UTA Pace 22k event

Coaches Chris & Greta Truscott at the start of the UTA Pace 22k event

Happy running everyone! 

Sydney 10k - Rejoov new club on the block

By Greta Truscott

Being a relatively newly affiliated club with Athletics NSW (since December 2016) we didn't envisage the unbelievable turn out at the Greater Bank RUN NSW Sydney 10k on Saturday 6th May a few months later! To see it all come into fruition on the day with a sensational, high spirited bunch, we were blown away.  The fiery orange men's and guava (pink) women's singlets (and still a few hot black singlets) all really stood out!  

Sensational, BRIGHT pic, WE NEED OUR sunglasses! Sorry for a few who missed the pic. Way to go team! Rejoov Runners TEAM results: 1st and 2nd in the men's 35-44 teams and 1st and 3rd in the women's 35-44 teams.

Sensational, BRIGHT pic, WE NEED OUR sunglasses! Sorry for a few who missed the pic. Way to go team! Rejoov Runners TEAM results: 1st and 2nd in the men's 35-44 teams and 1st and 3rd in the women's 35-44 teams.

Athletics NSW - Simon Wolnizer, James Matthews, the Rejoovers, all the other fabulous clubs & runners all really lifted each other before, during and after the 10k and 5k races. Special thank you to coach Chris Truscott for bringing everyone together on the day for warm ups, giving out bibs and gear before the race, cheering everyone into the finish, interviewing runners and sharing videos and pics. 

Thanks coach CT!! 

Thanks coach CT!! 

We loved seeing everyone having a good time together and running their hardest. Many were ringing the PB bell! Great to see the jumping castle and other games like the big balls! The fun, festival atmosphere and the inspiration for all levels really is the way forward. Congratulations to everyone who got in and had a go and also to the admirable race winners and podium getters. 

Well done everyone on your pbs (about half the squad) and even if you didn't pb - we can see your huge efforts and guts and that's what matters!! PBs are a bonus but are bloody hard to come by! 

Well done everyone on your pbs (about half the squad) and even if you didn't pb - we can see your huge efforts and guts and that's what matters!! PBs are a bonus but are bloody hard to come by! 

Congratulations Bruce Lambert on his 10k pb 34.09 which was so extra sweet after a very crampy Canberra marathon just 4 weeks before. 

Congratulations Bruce Lambert on his 10k pb 34.09 which was so extra sweet after a very crampy Canberra marathon just 4 weeks before. 

Thanks Athletics NSW - David Tarbotton, Amelia Hansen, Jessica Drake, Brent Hayward & James Matthews for all your support and Simon Wolnizer for your fabulous emceeing and call outs to Rejoov. Everyone said how this was such a buzz. Simon awesomely ran the 10k in 35min before the race proceedings, paced by Sydney Strider Dave Criniti who then went on to race himself in 31mins!! 

Husband & wife Pete & Melanie Truscott - what a great pair! 

Husband & wife Pete & Melanie Truscott - what a great pair! 

Thank you to our incredibly supportive and amazing sponsor Himanshu Dua, ICG, Internal Consulting Group - everyone were wearing the New Balance singlets with pride. 

Himanshu (Munch) Dua our amazing ICG Internal Consulting Group sponsor! 

Himanshu (Munch) Dua our amazing ICG Internal Consulting Group sponsor! 

Fiona McDonald and her daughter Grace having a fun family morning out. 

Fiona McDonald and her daughter Grace having a fun family morning out. 

Long time rejoover Matt Wacher's (42yrs old) shares his account on his way to a 37.21 (1min25sec pb) in the Sydney 10k: "The warm up and the vibe with so many Rejoovers was awesome, everyone excited! At the start I just took ten deep breaths with my eyes closed, I had been training really strong so was confident I could meet my target time. I went out steady keeping people I knew in my sights, for a moment I was stuck behind the group surrounding the 40 min pacer but a gap opened and I was through. Straight into a rhythm. I don't wear a watch when I race so really just run by how I'm feeling. I was feeling pretty good so just tried to push it a little at the 2k making sure I stuck myself behind runners going forward. Formed a bit of a pack with some guys from there and hung in there. Kept trying to focus and push if concentration was lost. I was hurting at 8km, my head was telling me my knee was sore and I knew I had to hold on to the group of guys I was with or I wouldn't push out the final couple of KMs so I really dug in. The support amongst the rejoovers during the race was fantastic, at 8.5k I got a call out "go rejoov" from the crowd, which was a big lift. At 9k I could hear the times of the people finishing in the stadium and knew I'd smash my PB. I pushed on and whilst on the track the speaker was giving rejoov a big wrap so that gave me a lift. I thought of Greta pushing me along at those Tuesday track sessions and held it together for a strong 300m finish on the track, 37.21, 1 minute 25 second PB. Smashed it and was stoked".

High fives Matt Wacher, Maya Borthwick & Adam Ballesty on your pbs. Fantastic to see Anne Cumming there too one of our longest Rejoovers. Congrats Maya for individual bronze in the 35-44 age group.

High fives Matt Wacher, Maya Borthwick & Adam Ballesty on your pbs. Fantastic to see Anne Cumming there too one of our longest Rejoovers. Congrats Maya for individual bronze in the 35-44 age group.

Here's our Rejoov - Athletics NSW runner & sister club HURT squad runner - Jeet Aich's uplifting race report after coming back from a badly rolled ankle in the 5000m Champs back in Feb and to finish back on that same track today in the Sydney 10k!:  
"It was enjoyable to make my comeback in the Rejoov colours.  Had no expectations going into the race, just wanted to see where I am at and finish unscathed at the same venue where I injured myself in February.  Ended up running the whole race with fellow Rejoov runner Chris Strom (also a Hurts runner & Zoolander) and was delighted to see him PB.  As for me, I managed to run a controlled race and was really encouraged with my 35:50.  Hopefully I can use this as a launch pad for the rest of the season".

The lads warming up. Great to have you back post-injury Jeet. 

The lads warming up. Great to have you back post-injury Jeet. 

The OFFICIAL results:

Rejoov Runners team results: 1st and 2nd in the men's 35-44 teams and 1st and 3rd in the women's 35-44. Congrats to Maya for individual bronze in the 35-44 age group.

Athletics NSW members who attended the Sydney 10 in alphabetical order of surname:

Kate Agnew 43.53

Jeet Aich 35.50 see race report 

Adam Ballesty pb 40.55 

John Bartlett 32.05 fastest rejoover 

Maya Borthwick pb 38.34 & bronze in the 40-44 age group 

Angus Boyd 34.55

Olivia Burton close to pb 51.33

Grace Cannavo 49.29

Kelly Coulston pb 46.38

Anne Cumming 57.33 

Jenny Doak 43.27

Jerome Dupuy 35.26

Malcolm Eadie pb 36.43 (trouble chip - result yet to be added officially so can affect the teams)

Monika Graham 51.30 & 5k too

Jesse Hanna pb 5k 18.52

Toby Hedgeland 33.17 dead heat with CT what a finish!! 

Andrew Heyden 33.38

Hayley Kain pb 41.57 & bronze in the 35-39 age group 

Bruce Lambert pb 34.09 a 10k & 5k pb!! 

Susan MacCallum 3min pb 52.26

Lesley Mason fell in the 10k shoulder had to be patched up and then did the 5k event! 28.03 pb!!  

Fiona McDonald 1.03.06

Scott O'Connor 32.29 3rd fastest rejoover & awesome result first race back post injury 

Anne-maree O'Mara 53.33

Adam Page pb 40.51

Ainslie Page 58.14

Eoin Reville 35.44 happy to run with Strommie & see him pb

Nick Roberts 32.27 (2nd fastest rejoover)

Aisling Ruane 43.07

Chris Strom pb 35.42

Emma Trehy 2nd fastest ever time 55.17

Chris Truscott 33.17 battling a groin injury 

Pete Truscott 38.50

Matt Wacher 1.25sec pb 37.21 & see race report below 

Rob Wilson 90sec pb 36.16 after a solid training stint with Strommie 

Plus non-members of Aths NSW - in alphabetical order: 

Himanshu Dua ICG sponsor 37.53

Floriana Dua 45.22

Samantha Feeley 49.34 huge 9min pb

Desie Joanides (member of Bankstown) 56.04

Rachel Kay pb 41.53

Claire Marston 46.10

Lucy Stranger pb 41.46

Larissa Williams pb 51.05

Tracy Williams 58.17

Kate Agnew, Hayley Kain & Lucy Stranger - awesome runs girls! 

Kate Agnew, Hayley Kain & Lucy Stranger - awesome runs girls! 

John Bartlett 32.05, Scott O'Connor 32.29, Nick Roberts 32.27 - Hurt squad and Rejoov is very proud to have them run for Rejoov Runners  

John Bartlett 32.05, Scott O'Connor 32.29, Nick Roberts 32.27 - Hurt squad and Rejoov is very proud to have them run for Rejoov Runners  

Our fastest rejoover of the day John Bartlett 32.05 (far left) & CT 33.17  

Our fastest rejoover of the day John Bartlett 32.05 (far left) & CT 33.17  

Andy Heyden covers all distances from 5k to 100k - what a legend and superb running today! 

Andy Heyden covers all distances from 5k to 100k - what a legend and superb running today! 

Rejoov has 50 Athletics NSW members including 1 junior member, the gorgeous 9 year old Maggie Highnam. We would love to have a few more juniors as well as more adults to continue the buzz through the Winter and into the Summer. We are working with Athletics NSW to make cross country and track events more fun and enticing for everyone. So please everyone, feel most welcome to come on board and we welcome all feedback. We want the track to be filled with runners and for our running buddies to be trackside cheering us on. That really helped me back in February doing the 5000m track when I was hurting and striving to do my best. You can register via this link for $80 for the Winter and if you ran the Sydney 10k as a non-member you can email Athletics NSW to take $40 off your registration:

Scott O'Connor super swift come back to racing

Scott O'Connor super swift come back to racing

Lesley did the 5k and Monika did the 10k and the 5k - great runs ladies!! Love your fighting spirit! 

Lesley did the 5k and Monika did the 10k and the 5k - great runs ladies!! Love your fighting spirit! 

Hayley Kain pb and bronze medal for 35-39 age group onya HK!! 

Hayley Kain pb and bronze medal for 35-39 age group onya HK!! 

Adam Ballesty PB 40.48 go AB!! 

Adam Ballesty PB 40.48 go AB!!