About Run Leader Zac Smith
I’ve always liked running especially at school cross countries but grew out of it when as I got older. Then I grew even older and now I love it. I’ve been running with Rejoov since September 2017 and it has been a blessing in disguise as I found my one true love. I’m an Accountant by trade and have my Run Leader Level 1 coaching accreditation.
I love the longer form of the sport, talking Ultra Marathons, I also like the shorter quicker runs and don’t really like the middle of the road distances.
My current PBs are 14 hours for the UTA 100 2019, with the help of Greta and everyone at Rejoov; 8 hours for a 50KM and 18:30 for 5KM.
My next goal is to run the Surf Coast Century 100KM in under 16 Hours in order to get my second lottery ticket for the Western States 100 Miler.
I try to do the majority of my long runs on trails especially the Blue Mountains. From this I have great experience of navigating the trails and even planning long runs and find routes, so if you want to do a trail run and unsure where to go and I can help you plan all things.