Phuket Rejoov Retreat

28 of us flew out on Sat 28th May mostly from Sydney (a couple from Dubai) bound for Thanyapura Sports resort in Phuket. This resort was setup to be a hub for budding, amateur and professional athletes alike and it really caters for all levels. You will get a sense below of what facilities are offered but essentially it has everything you need to train, recover and eat well. It also offers very comfortable accommodation surrounding a nice pool with swim up bar.

Here's Chris Truscott's blog about the fantastic trip:

Above is a collage of our hardest track session of the Rejoov Retreat in Phuket - day 4 of 9. Everyone enjoyed the runs, nutrition talks, yoga, Pilates, swims, zumba, elephant rides, scuba diving, baby tiger cuddling, Thai cooking and much more.

See below for an amazing video of our rejoovers having so much fun scuba diving and snorkelling and catching a quick boat to the dive site woo! 

Simon's Wings For Life

Blog by Simon Gilbertson - Monday 9th May, our online Rejoover who lives in Melbourne: "Last night down here in Melb's, I participated in the Red Bull Wings for Life World Run with over 100,000 others simultaneously around the world. For those who don't know, it's a run with no finish line. A 'catcher car' starts out half an hour after the runners and progressively speeds up. Your race is over when the catcher car passes you...."

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