Sydney Harbour 10k results
/Sydney Harbour 10k results & highlights including commentator and Bondi Rescue star Andy Reid calling out "Go Rejoov" & "Rejuvenation" every time we crossed the finish line.
Sydney Harb 10k:
- Rebecca Munro 38.26 top 10 female & beat the coach again!
- Greta 38.38 fell over at the 4k mark doh but determined to get back to pb shape!!
- Maya Borthwick 39.41 2nd time ever under 40mins & focused on Run Melb half 24th July
- Jenny Doak 40.44 training going well for blackmores marathon
- Adam Page chuffed w big pb 41.53
- Rachel Birds happy w sub 43 .. 42.58 yay so gets 2 coffees from work colleague
- Julia Gaudin 44.51 mega pb by over 3mins
- Nicole Thornton 46.54
- Charlene Cassie 50.53 a 5 min pb!!
- Rebecca Gillham 51.16
- Mitch Martin-Weber 53.23
- Adrienne Taylor 54.04 smashed it, getting quicker all year!
- Melissa Deegan 57.10 with a friend at her friends pace
- Lesley Mason 57.14 another pb!!
Adrienne's 14yr old girls debut 10k ecstatic:
- Margaux 57.43
- Lara 59.43
- Pip Davis fabulous to see after flying in from overseas last night, training going well for NY mara
Dolls Point Half
- Christine Foran debut 2.04 & age group trophy
- Anne Cumming going strong another half prep for NY mara
- Victoria Barber age group trophy & post injury
- Cathie Sherrington 57.30 smart running re achilles
Emma Trehy 5k pb 26 a week after Nike half - kicking goals!
Remember that no matter what the main thing is to have a go and keep trying and having silly times along the way.