Comrades Sth Africa by Chris

Comrades Marathon 88km ‘Down Run’ 2023

By Chris Truscott

I have been a member of Sydney Striders for going on 30yrs. Many newer members would have no idea who I am but there was a time I was a very active member. Alongside brother Pete, we attended every STaR and we were both on the committee for a while. My role was the social stuff and the awards dinners. At these awards nights, we would invite a guest speaker to attend and one year, some founding members suggested they could get Bruce Fordyce to accept. Not really knowing who that was, I was certainly guided by their advice about a man that had become synonymous with an event called the Comrades Marathon in South Africa.

It didn’t take too long to study up about this ‘marathon’. First thing that jumped out was that it wasn’t a marathon but rather an ultra marathon and it exceeded twice the distance of the regular marathon. In the months leading up to the awards night I came to understand the many overarching facts about the event. Starting and finishing between the two cities of Pietermaritzburg and Durban, changing each year which way you ran it. One was an UP run and the other obviously DOWN. And so by the time I met Bruce, ate dinner with him and watched as he took to the stage to commence his talk, I pretty much had what I thought was a great understanding about this event.........

Runcation happy snap with bruce fordyce out front of our hotel at 2.30am

I sit here a week later gazing out over Amakhala Game Reserve on the East Cape still reflecting on my new understanding of the Comrades marathon. Sure, this has been a bucket list race for me since hearing of Bruce’s epic feats of conquering the event throughout the entirety of the 80’s (did I mention that he won it nine times - eight of those consecutively). Of course I knew the essentials. Roughly 88/89 or 90km depending on exact start / finish locations, a few uphills on the way down but ultimately quicker right? It’s downhill.

And sitting here, I am roughly 20yrs down the track and have realised my dream of completing the Comrades marathon finally. What transpires next is an account of my day out last week and my new understanding of this iconic South African event.

Logistically, it’s just too hard. So far away, where to stay, how to get around, we’ll get mugged for sure, what happens with our 11yr old Jaden as Greta and I run this thing. Is it worth the effort? These were real thoughts and conversations. Luckily we were encouraged to contact Lance, the owner of a company called Runcation who are the experts in all things associated with SA running events and travel logistics. Our previous thoughts and concerns evaporated in the months leading into our trip as Lance assured us of the planning, and so as the alarm sounded at 1:45am on Sunday morning the 11th June, the three of us jumped out of bed ready to meet Lance, our good Rejoov mate Nadya Caminer, and the other Runcation crew downstairs for our 2:30am departure to Pietermaritzburg. And low & behold, who should we bump into in the foyer but none other than Bruce Fordyce. I casually strode up to him and announced that I was a Sydney Strider and it was his fault that I was standing here. He was generous with his time and after a few pics, we set off.

Lance made sure we were there in time that’s for sure. We drove the 88km and pulled up without delay into a servo 500m down the road from the start banner and the place looked rather quiet. I suppose being there 2hrs in advance will do that but we had coffee, a toilet and a warm van to wait out the 5-6 degree clear conditions. Jaden was busily messaging his mates back in Sydney and well prepared for a big day ahead watching Mum & Dad do their thing.

And so the time came to make the short walk up to our starting areas where we bumped into fellow locals Pat McNamara (Patty Mac), Kirsten Coggins and Charles Buxton. The vibe in the A group area was quite relaxed until right up to 15-20mins before the 5.30am starting time when everything suddenly became real and the countdown was on.

There is a traditional set of sounds and songs that occur before Comrades commences. The South African National Anthem is played then a very inspiring African song called Shosholoza which was fantastic to hear with the crowd chanting along. But then the PA system unfortunately starting cracking up so Chariots of Fire was hit and miss, the 2 x Rooster crowing tradition was stagnant but the starting canon unmistakable - we were off!

My personal lead up to this event was quite straight forward and consistent. Weekly mileage of between 90 - 120km, a few 50-60km long runs building in some hills around Centennial Park but otherwise, training as usual. I was told repeatedly that the Comrades down is brutal on the quads, tough on the legs, it disables most who go out too fast, be careful, watch out, don’t be too confident and so on and so on. In fact of all my years of running, my expectations leading into an event have never been more managed than with this one. Even as I touched down, and spending the first week with both Lance & also Nadya from Rejoov who was running her back to back, the pre race hype and strategy continued. By race day I wasn’t sure whether I was totally psyched up or out! Luckily a casual 5km Parkrun out front of our hotel in Durban the day before with just 1200 others helped get me even more geared up for it.

durban park run with over 1000 runners on average every saturday

My plan was originally 4:40 pace but because of all the conversations and course study I had done, I revised this to 4:50’s. The goal was to enjoy most if not all of it and finish well. A sub 7hr 30min and silver medal would be a bonus if I was on for it. Oh, and to make sure that I took out line honours in the Truscott household - becoming harder these days with the longer events. Unfortunately Greta ate something dodgy early in the week which played havoc right up to the race and as such she had to contend with loading up to have enough energy & fluids whilst still taking antibiotics even on race day.

What I didn’t realise was that she had decided or was caught up in the B back starting pace, to head out at a faster per km clip than me. So when I pulled off for a wee at roughly 8km, she snuck by - both of us oblivious to one another. She was now in front as the first tiny signs of daylight broke. Patty Mac soon slipped ahead of me also. I was quite proud of myself with the restraint I was showing. 4:50’s, that’s it. I do that, I break 7:30. Simple. Eat, drink and cruise along. Problem was, I was too hydrated and had to stop again for a wee.

I ran with gloves on, arm sleeve warmers & thermal top careful not to throw them away after hearing that the big downhill at Polly Shorts tends to end with a chilly section. This downhill went for quite a while and the first thing that was starting to strike me was that these hills really were quite a lot more pronounced gradient wise than people had made out from my many many attempts to find out pre race. Even the first few kms included a steady 1.5km climb similar to our own Paddo Hill in Centennial Park.

The sun arrived and started slowly warming my upper body (my legs are always ok) as I continued to look around and soak up the atmosphere that was gradually building alongside us with locals making their way out of their homes. Hard to believe that 20,000 line up for this 88km run but it’s mind boggling to see the level of support and almost cult like status this run has on the population both local and across the country. Not a single South African is oblivious to Comrades.

runcation / consports seconding point at the 29.5km mark so happy to see jaden

I wanted to give Jaden and Lance the heads up ahead of the first ‘seconding’ support station (our very own area and one of three en route). Jaden’s face came up on my phone and I was immediately relieved, happy and excited to see him and a lot more confident that everything was going to be ok and he was in good hands. “I’ll be there in 4-5km bud”. Lance then chimed in that Greta was 400m ahead of me. Too many people ahead to spot her but I was certain that it was a tracker mistake. She’s way back surely.

Nope. She was in front but It was also then that she decided to have her own pit stop and I ran past not seeing her in a complete reversal of what had occurred just 90mins earlier. Through the 29.5km station giving Jaden a hug to the bewildered faces of those wondering how Greta and I were avoiding each other so easily. We never once discussed running it together. We like our own independence with events and this experience was certainly going to be unique to us both.

“See ya bud. Say hi to mum if she turns up”. And I was off again and past the highest point of the course at Umlaas Rd where it flattens out a bit across Camperdown, Cato Ridge & Harrison flats, before we hit the second of the ‘Big 5 hills’ - Inchanga, a 3km climb of similar gradient to our own Loch Ave in Centennial Park. We then started descending into Drummond and the halfway mark. I was still very mindful of preserving my quads for later in the run so I continued to take this very easy and it was great to be feeling so good through the crucial halfway mark that signifies distance left being shorter than distance covered (yep it’s an obvious observation I know but one I have always looked forward to in these ultras).

couldn’t wait to see jaden at 2 spots 29.5km and 62.7km .. so relieved to find him along the busy road

I was fortunate to join a small pack of locals from the Pirates running club in J’Berg who were aiming for a silver medal after several previous attempts and as such were very helpful in explaining the course ahead, in plain language. Yep of course they asked if I needed a small piece of yellow sandpaper to help me get to the finish but as the laughter died down, advised me to keep exercising the same restraint for a little while longer. The main guy who broke off the front, Mark, had just run a 2:50 marathon and was of similar age so I was happy to cruise along with him snapping pics & videos along the way. Believe me, there’s times when a 7km training run around Malabar feels hard. So to have a day like this unfolding was almost divine intervention. But I was not counting those chickens just yet as I have always sunk into a bad energy deficit / hole in pretty much all my ultras over 50km. I was still nervous about this even as I passed that same mark feeling great. I am certainly now a massive advocate of munching away on small baked or roasted potatoes. These were available the whole way and it just worked. I had practiced in my longer runs so the stomach was fine and along with the Tailwind and aid station hydration, I was in control.

Those 6km from Drummond are broken into three hills, the third being Botha’s Hill and the next seconding station which was good timing. We passed Arthur’s Seat & the wall that houses thousands of participant names who have and are still running every year. We then passed the very loud and supportive Kernsey College which gave me a further uplift. I was super impressed with the community support so far and thought about our own Sydney marathon vying for major status. If we had this support along the route, it would be a foregone conclusion to be awarded the major tag.

Onwards I ran, with 10km of mostly uninterrupted downhill running into Pinetown. I was still averaging around 4:45-4:50 so even at 60km after showing so much restraint, I still held back from kicking it down. Down through Hillcrest, Kloof and the much talked about steep 3km Fields downhill into Pinetown. Only two more climbs to come (apparently). First of these is Cowies Hill. Can’t remember how far this was. I was so used to running up by then I didn’t really care anymore that we were running a DOWN year. Next was the 45th cutting uphill after which signalled we had less than 10km to go.

By this stage, I had already started to wind the pace up. Approx 16km out I decided to start my fast finish gradually bringing the pace down to mid 4:30’s as a start and as I saw the 10k to go sign, I wondered if I could run a sub 40min (yep I know how I sound but stuff it, I’ve had so many shockers, I need to boast a little about this one). The last 10km are not overly aesthetically appealing with a lot of it on a freeway but it didn’t matter, I counted down the kms and at the 5km to go marker, I spotted Patty Mac in the distance. His bright yellow Australia singlet and long locks flapping in the freeway breeze was unmistakable. It was all I needed to close this run out so I took flight and bowled down the wide concrete expanse after him but also I just wanted a beer.

And of course there were still uphills right to the end. A sharp incline onto said freeway, a longer gradual rise soon after and even with 2km to go there was another. That bloke back at the 45th cutting that said “this is it mate - no more hills” was clearly smoking the good stuff. But nothing was going to hold me back now I had sight of Kingsmead cricket stadium and complete confidence in the closing few kms.

I felt like my last km was done in 3:30 but it was just on 4min pace, nonetheless I cantered into the stadium after catching and pulling away just enough from Pat with approx 2km to go. The atmosphere inside was just as I imagined and actually as per the remainder of the 88km, electric. Lance had Jaden ready and waiting on the inside fence for me to high 5 which sealed the amazing experience and just 200m around the grass later, I crossed in 7:05:19 and a silver medal. I was elated to achieved the two main objectives. Run well and cross under 7:30hr if the first was happening. Nailed both and so now the celebrations could begin.

Jaden was there to greet me the little champion. He really does lift to a new level with these long days of supporting us and for that, he could ask me to buy him anything for the rest of the trip. I had time for a quick physio rub, grabbed a beer and headed to the same spot on the fence just in time for us to see Greta also streaming around the finish lap. She had absolutely smashed it considering the stomach bug that took her out all week. 7hrs 44mins with that to deal with was incredible and from my perspective, the run of the day from our camp. Tough to award when you have Patty Mac on debut at 7:06, Nadya who completed her back to back with an unbelievable 2hr PB over last year of 9:09, then Kirsten and Charles also nailing their debut. We also had a few more in our group who were making there way through thereafter. Hein in just on 10hrs and Dave, Michael and Lee who were not far after that. It was now certainly party time all round. No one was disappointed and I think Lance now had a new appreciation for us newbies from just across the ‘other ditch’. We came in prepared and executed accordingly. Definitely not to say if I am ever to go back, I would treat the race with any less respect. It is the respect that gets you to the end in one piece and it’s the training, determination and a little bit of luck coupled with seamless organisation and logistics supporting you that will get you a PB there.

And so there you have it. We drank a few beers in the sun, we celebrated the next day with a long lunch, we parted ways with mates for the next exciting destinations on our Sth African itinerary and yes we wore our newly acquired medals all day the next day.

Would I recommend that you do Comrades. It depends on where you’re at with your running journey and what elements haven’t been achieved yet. In the world of ultra running, it certainly is a pinnacle event to tick off and beyond that, if you really want to be picked up, swept along and dumped at the finish by the most amazing human tidal wave of support to be experienced, then start the planning now.

I may just be there with you..........

#HOKAaustralia #2xu #rejoovrunners #sydneystriders #runcation #bemoved #therunnersshop #tailwindnutritionaustralia #nortbeer

West Mac Monster 65km ultra / silver

By Northern Territorian Bridie Duggan - she gives us all the nitty gritty ultra insights to running her debut ultra in one of the most spectacular rugged trail events in the world along the LARAPINTA TRAIL in the NT, Australia.


Firstly, I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to coach Greta for all your help in getting me prepped and ready for the West Macs 65km. It was such an amazing experience and I still question myself to this day as to how I came second (especially after having covid fairly soon before the race!!). Here is how the event unfolded.


Before leaving for Alice:

12 days before, another running friend said she got sick. It reminded me that the previous year (for the 25km run) I’d also gotten sick a few days before my run. So I quickly went and got the flu jab across the road from work on the Wednesday. The next day I started to feel unwell from the jab and just figured it was because of that. I took a few days off work because I was starting to feel very fatigued. I didn’t want to eat food or drink anything as it meant moving. 4 days after the jab I tested positive for covid, later finding out that a patient brought her sick son to the appointment after she just picked him up from school as they rang her to say that he had covid. I was FURIOUS! I was in bed from Thursday through to Friday before my flight. I saw two doctors and had my bloods taken and was prescribed a Puffer.


I tried emailing the event coordinators to ask if I could get a credit for the following year, but this wasn’t accepted as I needed to give them two weeks’ notice. They have no policies for sickness. That’s why I thought I would at least still go and if it meant I went for a short walk at Standley Chasm then I was fine with that considering the week of sickness.


Weekend of the run:

My mindset was that I would just walk to Simpson’s Gap and get picked up by my partner there. Then I would at least know the track for next year if I came back and ran it.


Night before:

I forced myself to eat spaghetti Bolognese because I knew I needed something in the stomach. I also had a croissant that day but that was it. I really wasn’t eating much but I forced myself to drink electrolytes.


Day of the run:

I woke up at 3am on Sunday and started to get ready, still feeling very warm internally and not well rested as I was nervous sleeping all night thinking I wouldn’t wake up to my alarm. I forced myself to eat some bread with peanut butter and a banana for breakfast before leaving on the bus.


My nutrition and water intake before the event and the days prior were not as planned. I was lucky to eat a box of Pringles or plain crackers with Vegemite in the days prior. I was forcing myself to drink as much water with electrolytes as possible, still wasn’t a great amount. 


I started the run at 6:30am and it was 2degrees. I somehow started at the front of the pack because everyone moved to the back when the announcers said, ‘move to the front’. I started off in a good position and only saw about 10 runners in front of me, I flew well up the first few hills, so I maintained a good position. I just wanted to stay ahead because I didn’t want my pace depicted by someone in front. I had a lot of people gas themselves early and really increase their speed at the start, but they died off quickly, it just meant I was stuck behind them for a short period. Something I learnt was that even if someone is in front of you, don’t stick to their pace if you know it isn’t yours, overtake if needed. But I also kept in mind not to race anyone at the start because we had a long run ahead.


Finding those blue arrows up that first hill was very difficult! I’m glad I was at the front with people who knew where they were going. My GURU app on my phone wasn’t working so I had to rely on other runners which wasn’t a good feeling.


My friends were tracking my race and said I was maintaining a good place at the front of the pack for about 20kms and they were worried I took off too quick. I honestly never felt that was I was pushing too hard at all during the first 40km’s. My goal was to drink 800mls every hour of water, coke or ‘Tailwind’ and if I was cramping then I’d drink pickle juice and have a gel every 30-45minutes. This went to plan. I still didn’t feel like eating any food like chips, watermelon or lollies that were at the aid stations. But I knew I had to force in the gels and fluids which I did.


I hit a wall after the 24km mark (I think I realised how long I had to go) and I had a strong urge to want to cry. From that point on I told myself that a negative attitude or thoughts won’t help me get to the finish line.  Whenever a negative thought popped in, I changed it for a positive straight away. I also made a rule that I had to run down all hills and chill on the hills when going up. I’m a fast walker so I was still over taking people when walking up hills.


I was complimented by other runners for my strength to power up the hills with speed and not needing to stop. I made a few friends along the track that said my walking pace up the very steep steps was very quick and they had to jog just to keep up. I am very proud that I learnt my strength was tackling the inclines as we had plenty of them! 


One of my weaknesses however was the inability to run down hills quickly. Everyone else were like mountain goats and quickly overtook me on the downhill running. This was disheartening. 


When I hit the 50km mark I managed to catch up to the leaders again as we were approaching Euro Ridge. I knew this was my time to give it my all and catch them, so I did! I ran up those hills and told myself I wasn’t allowed to stop from here on out as best as I could. I only walked a few small inclines after this but managed to get moving again. I kept telling myself that the person behind me wouldn’t be walking, so it’s best I don’t.


The last 5kms were hard and I had to keep telling myself not to stop as I was so close to finishing. I didn’t want to look behind me because I knew I’d get upset if I saw someone hot on my tail. For most of the run I tried not to look behind.


I made it across the finish line and was so proud of myself for coming second! I was surprised I even finished it! My body quickly spasmed and my feet were swollen. I had to get my partner to pick me up off the ground and carry me to the car. He was so helpful all day and quickly filled my waters at the aid stations. I know what you mean about not really having time to change or sit down, I raced into the aid stations, quickly refuelled then got out of there as quickly as I could.


That night I still struggled to eat food. I think I had 3 bits of Indian Naan Bread and a few mouthfuls of pork belly. I’m now managing to eat more as this sickness is slowly leaving the body. But the recovery was not as planned either.


Things I learnt on the day:

  1. Other runners didn’t train specifically. I heard a lot of chat from runners saying their biggest runs were about 30-40kms and they didn’t run many hills or trail runs. I’m so glad I ran hills, rocky areas, trails and covered big distances.

  2. A negative thought can easily bring you down, replace it immediately with a positive thought.

  3. Lollies, although full of sugar and carbs aren’t easily chewed and absorbed when running. I wish I never packed any.

  4. I didn’t need to pack tailwind as it was supplied all around the course. The flavour of these during my training runs were important but during the race I couldn’t have cared less and just wanted my bottles filled.

  5. Putting Glide or Vaseline on and around my toes was a lifesaver, not one blister!

  6. Niggles will occur such as sore feet, ITB pulling and some knee soreness but distract the mind from this soreness.

  7. My prior strength training was vital when running up those hills.


The Next Goal:

I’ve celebrated and I’ve also felt the post run blues. Now my big question is what I’d like to train for next. I wouldn’t mind doing a run that is greater than 65km’s, perhaps a 100km run? I’ve been contemplating the 128km run at West Macs but I’m unsure if a year is enough time to prepare for this and whether I should do a 100km before this event to make sure I could even achieve it…..

(the next part of the journey continues…. :))


Bondi to Manly 80km team win

Female teams win 80KM 5hrs53mins 🏆 “Team Rejoov” Estelle Berton, Imy Brisco, Georgina & Olivia Beck

Foreword by Coach, Greta Truscott: 

Well done everyone in the inaugural The Janssen Bondi to Manly Ultra 80km coastal solo / relay team of 4 on 5/11/22! It was a massive day of logistics and mammoth efforts!! There were 398 finishers in the solo 80km and 752 relay runners (188 teams)!!  The 80km travels the coastline between Sydney’s two most famous beaches. With a backdrop of the ocean, going through nearly 50 sandy beaches, over rocky cliff tops, through national parks, round the Opera House and cross the Harbour Bridge. This is the first ultra right in Sydney which shows both the busy city life as well as nature. This is a not-for-profit event with all proceeds going into conservation of the public land and natural environment around Sydney Harbour. 

Team Palm Springs” 6th place Aisling Ruane, Bella Roberts, Belle Green, Lily Rodgers


  • Female teams win 🏆 🥇 “Team Rejoov” Estelle Berton, Imy Brisco & sisters Georgina & Olivia Beck 💨 in 5:53 👀 closely behind 3 mens teams. 💥💥Please see below for their personal race reports.

  • Battling for positions “Team Scrambled Legs” ladies soo happy to scrape into 3rd female team Cheryl Greenway, Nicola Silsby, Emily Bassett, Greta Truscott - team sponsored by Hoka

  • “Team Palm Springs” a galant 6th female team Aisling Ruane, Bella Roberts, Belle Green, Lily Rodgers - love the team name and team spirit. 

  • Super pumped for the rejoovers making up 4 more teams, they had a blast:  

    TomW LachlanB GeorgiaA & friend

    KarinJ NadyaC NicoleK & friend 

    Nicola Logan + 3 friends 

    Matt Morris + 3 friends 

  • full results


  • Rapt for Hoka sponsored athlete and rejoov coach Chris Truscott 8th overall in 7hrs30mins in the solo 80km on his hard fought comeback from injury!! Huge congrats Wing and Elvira pulling off their race plans brilliantly and their longest ever events!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Thanks to all the volunteers, Hayley Blease, event sponsor Hoka, Reidy 🎤 and The Running Room / Recoverie for looking after the ultra runners at the finish line with ice baths, boots and massage 💧 


💥💥RACE REPORT by winning female team 🏆 🥇 “Team Rejoov” Estelle Berton, Imy Brisco & sisters Georgina & Olivia Beck 💨 in 5:53 👀

Estelle - leg 1 

Doing the first leg of the first ever Bondi2manly ultra was a special treat! I arrived down at the Bondi Pavilion just in time to see the 80km ultra runners start their run as the sun was rising over Bondi. Reidy was commentating on the loudspeaker - the vibes were good. I had no idea what course I was about to embark on (probably should have checked the map before the run!) and for some reason I assumed I would be running on the road - oh how wrong I was! Once we ran up military road to Vaucluse, the course hugged the coast for the majority of the time - it was non-stop stairs, trials, hills and even sand! Everyone on the course was a legend; the other relay runners, but particularly the ultra troopers. As a relay runner, I was running faster than the majority of the ultra runners - but every time you passed an ultra runner they would first check "are you running the relay - yes - phew!” And then wish you well. It was an epic morning, I didn't want to stop at 20kms... I will have to try the ultra next year!

Imy - leg 2 

I was so excited for this race, especially to be running it as a team! I joined Rejoov in July, and it has been so fun and motivating to train with other keen runners, and make some great friends at the same time. Given the event was new, none of us were quite sure what to expect, other than the fact we would be running around Sydney's beautiful harbour. On the morning of the race, I woke up to beautiful sunshine and got my phone out to start tracking Estelle's progress on the Bondi to Manly Ultra app. I was running Leg 2, which started in Rose Bay and finished in Neutral Bay (covering Rushcutters Bay, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge). Despite it being sometimes challenging to navigate the directions on the course, there was great camaraderie between the runners on the course, and Rejoov's sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Centennial Park helped me dig deep and run hard before handing over to Gee for leg 3. After finishing, I met Estelle at Circular Quay and got the ferry over to the finish line in Manly. We all joined Liv (who ran Leg 4) for the final 100m, and since we were the leading women's team, it was pretty cool to experience running through the tape together! The rest of the day was spent cheering other Relay teams or Ultra runners on (including other Rejoov runners), before heading to Hugos and Wharf bar to relax. All in all the day was an amazing experience and I would love to return as a team to back it up next year!

Georgina - leg 3

I had a great time participating in the Bondi to Manly Ultra relay with Imy, Estelle and Olivia. The team aspect was attracting and a point of difference, something that we had not experienced before. The race information was clear and sent out in a  timely manner which allowed us to best organise for the event. Each relay start point had friendly staff who could answer any questions and had food and hydration to aid the athletes. I ran the third leg starting at Kesterton Park in North Sydney and finished at Clontarf reserve. The terrain was not your usual half marathon track, but I thoroughly enjoyed running through the trails along the coast. I would highly recommend the event and definitely do it again!

Olivia - leg 4 

I loved the Bondi to Manly race. The terrain was varied, the track was beautiful and the team element made it such a rewarding and fun event. Everyone organising the event was very helpful and friendly and all the competitors were very high spirited. My favourite part of the race was having all my team mates join me for the last 100 metres to cross the line together. I would recommend the race to anyone and will be definitely there next year!