Covid Time Trials / Relays 2020-21

In 2020 and 2021 events have been markedly reduced in Sydney or Australia due to Covid 19 and many places around the world.

In 2020 here in Sydney, Rejoov completed virtual time trials solo or in pairs in April, ten pack time trials in May and in June - 20 pack time trials. July we went back to full group size with approved NSW Gov Covid plan, social distancing and hygiene practices continued. But events are still very limited, only a couple very small events have gone ahead like NSW Aths XC at Dapto. Even the Miranda XC relays were cancelled and all other big road races cancelled or transferred to the end of the year possibly.. We had a high with the 3 Bridges event in November going ahead with a big rejoov turn out, with staggered starts.

In 2021 we got to do the Sun Run in Feb, Syd Trail Series, Sydney 10k and UTA events which were all a big buzz. But the SMH half marathon was delayed to June so we had a Rejoov Brighton Le Sands half mara TT in May. Then the Covid Delta strain hit so we did another Rejoov Virtual Smh half marathon TT in Centennial Park 27th June, and Gold Coast was cancelled so we had a Rejoov GC virtual marathon & half marathon 4th July, some great pics captured by photographer Brad Farley. We were restricted to packs of ten at this time. Blackmores in Sept was cancelled and Melbourne marathon was pushed back to December, so we had a time trial early October to cover off both of those, which was awesome!

October 2021 time trial instead of Blackmores / Melbourne Marathon:

Huge well done everyone today TT’ing or training runs in your packs / pairs


Pacers Heath Andy R Ian Grant C

Barry M 2.48 debut

Elle Kuhta 3.30 Pb good luck for Byron to Bondi in Nov plus Matt Wacher for some pacing

Darryl J 4.02

Cathy R 5.21 at 57yrs post 100k a few weeks ago!!

Half Marathon:

Pacers Maya Elle G

Will K 86.30 Pb

Mickey A 1.27.23 Pb

Pacer Josh

Gaz 88.28 bday Pb

Yury 88.38

Nathan 90.54 Pb

Andre 94

Jacq Chow 1.43 Pb

Gee Liu 1.59.40

Emily pacing Colebee’s debut


Mark 39.45

David M 41.53

Danny B 43.40

Long runners / 10k training runs:

Lily Grace Louis N Nick H Allison Andy B Rajesh Janine John Allon Greta

2021 time trial results between August to September including Blackmores virtual:

5k: Max Beavis 18.16 PB City 14/8/21; Will Kent 18.10 PB City 14/8/21; Georgia Arnott 19.08 PB City 14/8/21; Yury Glikin 18.58 PB Heffron park 9/9/21; Nathan Achie 19.06 PB CP 18/9/21

10k: Will Kent 37.10 PB 7/9/21; Dan Smith 39.10. PB PP 7/8/21; Gareth Beddoes 39.. PB; Greta 39.34 Pioneer Park, Malabar; Georgia Arnott 40.33 PB PP 7/8/21; Tessa Herbert Smith 44.26 PP; Farrah 41.. PB ; Beatriz 10k PB 55.19 PB CP 14/08/21

Half marathon: Nicola Silsby 1.37 City 19/9/21; Lucie Crisp Debut 1.53.54 Narrabeen Lake 19/9/21

Marathon: Tim Kelly PB 3.48.22 CP 19/9/21;

belle green with her supporters, fantastic debut marathon 3.37 virtual GC marathon July 2021

belle green with her supporters, fantastic debut marathon 3.37 virtual GC marathon July 2021

rejoov half marathon time trial GC virtual / long runs  July 2021

rejoov half marathon time trial GC virtual / long runs July 2021

rejoov marathon time trial GC virtual July 2021 / long runs

rejoov marathon time trial GC virtual July 2021 / long runs

4/7/21 Virtual Gold Coast time trials in Sydney. Uplifting to see everyone out there time trialling or long running, there was quite a happy sunny vibe. Big well done everyone👏🏻👏🏻 and thanks immensely for support and cheering.

Georgia 3.22.46 debut
Greta 3.23.06
Lachlan 3.28.44 debut
Belle 3.37.14 debut
James Lees 4.03.18 debut

Half marathon
Barry Meehan 78.51 Pb
sub 90 pacer Andy R
Max Beavis 88.53 Pb
Yury Glikin 89.41
Harriet Beavis 89.56 Pb
Gareth Beddoes 90mins Pb
Ally Nash 1.34.59
Kernow 1.41.14 Pb
David M 1.49.33
Penny 2.10
Emma T 2.10
Allison G 2.10 debut
Maelle 3rd ever half

Chris T 33.27 Pioneer park with Jaden & Dave Kane support crew.

Long runners - Tessa Bella Saskia Madi Grace Graham K Elle A Elle M Louise BC Darryl Allison C Katherine Arianne Andy B Heath Rosy Will V Will K Sam C Neil Dave H Nick John Emily Mickey Sierra Alley M Jessie Sid Sean M Navid.

Virtual GC half marathon time trial start pack

Virtual GC half marathon time trial start pack

at the finish to GC virtual mara - thanks supporters

at the finish to GC virtual mara - thanks supporters

tremendous Time trialling 27th June instead of smh half marathon / Western sydney half / Ten

tremendous Time trialling 27th June instead of smh half marathon / Western sydney half / Ten

27/6/21 Congrats team on making lemonade out of lemons, time trialling in centennial park and keeping on running & swimming. Well done TT’ers making up for SMH and Western Syd Half cancellations. Shout outs to: Rosy Cooper 5min Pb 77mins half mara holy smokes, Louise BC 10k Pb 43mins, Sean Marquette Pb 1.47 half, Jamie Orr 1.41 Pb half, Nick Hutton 10k Pb 39mins, Andy Bannister equal 10k Pb 52mins, Darryl Jackson 1.51.50 PB and much more. Thank you all pacers including @m_borthwick @andrew_redman1 & Heath Jamieson. Marvellous Premmie Babies fundraising by Jamie Orr, Douglas Lee and others very kind.

The Runners Shop 5 x gift vouchers (have to give some out still):
- Darryl, Jamie, Harriet, Georgia, Arianne

Supporting the @reliefrun India covid appeal, thanks everyone. We are so lucky here, to be able to have good health and run the beautiful coastal route, with lots of steps, views of whales and sunshine. #reliefrun #rejoovrunners #maloneysgrocer. the last relief run we did was fundraising for the bushfires in january 2020.

Supporting the @reliefrun India covid appeal, thanks everyone. We are so lucky here, to be able to have good health and run the beautiful coastal route, with lots of steps, views of whales and sunshine. #reliefrun #rejoovrunners #maloneysgrocer. the last relief run we did was fundraising for the bushfires in january 2020.

16/5/21 rejoov brighton le sands time trials / long runs as smh half was postponed

16/5/21 rejoov brighton le sands time trials / long runs as smh half was postponed

16/5/21 rejoov brighton le sands time trials sunny morning

16/5/21 rejoov brighton le sands time trials sunny morning

16/5/21 Glowing sunny morning at our Rejoov Brighton le sands half mara / relay / long runs, (also running for premmie babies - as 16.5.21 marked when smh half would’ve been). Terrific morning and fun Rejoov drinks at Coogee beach club post BLS & UTA . Last time we were at BLS was in Sept 2020 for our TT marathon as blackmores was cancelled and it was pouring chilly rain, so this time the sun was amazing!!

16/5/21 Post brighton le sands time trials/ long runs catch up at Coogee Beach club

16/5/21 Post brighton le sands time trials/ long runs catch up at Coogee Beach club

City 10k time trial Oct 2020.jpg

10th October 2020 City 10k Time Trial / Training


Chris 35 (fartlek training) 

Ian G 36.59 Pb 

Freddie 39.27 (debut) 

Nick H 39.43 

Graham L 41.24 (post mara shakeout) 

Lachy B 42.01 (training/shins) 

Tom W 43.36 (training)

Georgia Arnott 43.54 (training) 

Jacq Chow 47.28 Pb 

Tess HS 48.42 (training) 

Keely H 49.46 Pb 

Belle G training - long runs on a roll

Alice K 53.47 

Justine Saunders 56 (training/glute)  

Cathie 1.01.24

Greta 19.45 

Barry M 19.53 Pb 

Jenny D 20.30 

Freya R 21.00

Jane A 22.02

Kate Read 22.02 

Elle M 23.14



Brighton le sands rejoov marathon / half marathon 20/9/20

Brighton le sands rejoov marathon / half marathon 20/9/20

Brighton Le Sands Rejoov Marathon / Half 20/9/20: We are so rapt and so proud of all the runners & supporters on Sunday at our Brighton Le Sands marathon / half marathon 👏🏻👏🏻. Especially thrilled for debut marathoners Michelle W, Susan, Lisa, Kate, Fernanda, Michelle D & halfer Beatriz. Awesome mara pbs for Ben D & Jacq & half pbs Jane, Janine & Lesley. Cathy’s 4th mara, another marathon for Ben Feld, Charl crowned the 10.55 segment👑, Alex, Aoife, Nicole & Jo had a ball in the half. It was raining 🌧 with many funny & special moments. Thanks to all the pacers and cheer squad, Bipro for the amazing route, @lisa_wholelifenutrition & Alice our master drinks ladies, and Rania and Grant for bringing our last runners home to a loud cheering finish Iine.

brighton le sands marathon start 20/9/20

brighton le sands marathon start 20/9/20

Brighton le Sands marathon / half results:
Susan 4.41.51 debut
Michelle 4.27.33 Debut
Lisa Studencki 4.59.19 debut
Cathy Rowney 4.36.37 4th mara 👏🏻
Michelle Duguid marathon 4.43.51 debut
Ben D - mara 3.29.39
Kate Read - mara 3.36.54 debut
Fernanda 3.50.18 debut
Jacq - mara 3.50.45 Pb by 9mins
Aoife - half 2.03
Beatriz - half 2.18.38 debut
Jane - half 1.44.58 Pb
Lesley half 1.58.28 Pb
janine - HM 1.56.11 Pb
Charl - half 79.05
Jo Z half 2.04.28
Nicole 2.05.29
Alex L half 1.35

Thank you Pacers / cheer squad: Bipro, Jamie, Gareth, Rosy, Graham, Jacqui, Andrea, Anne-maree, Sarah Collins, Zac & Sammie, Rania, Chris T, Strommie, Grant, Ian G, Anne, Helen & Greta on the bike & families. Drinks table volunteers Lisa Sherman and Alice K.

coach chris briefing the half marathon start at brighton le sands

coach chris briefing the half marathon start at brighton le sands

Kate on her debut marathon with drinks volunteer Lisa Sherman & our route master bipro happy everyone on track

Kate on her debut marathon with drinks volunteer Lisa Sherman & our route master bipro happy everyone on track

centennial marathon start wave 1

centennial marathon start wave 1

Centennial marathon / half marathon wave 2

Centennial marathon / half marathon wave 2

Rejoov Centennial Marathon / Half marathon 13/9/20: Loved seeing the action & camaraderie at our Centennial half / marathon inspired by Chris & Enda’s Boston virtual marathon. Congrats marathoners & half marathoners, including virtual success by Chris Truscott 2.48 & Enda Stankard 2.54, Neil Pearson taking out the day 2.46, debut marathon by Ian Gabriel 3.03, EPIC pbs for Rosy 2.58, Heath 2.58, Graham 3.09 & pbs in the half John Clarke 84.30, Yury 87.00, & Ian Ong 1.32. There’s some sore bods out there right now!! Thanks everyone for support, jumping in for some runs, pacing, cheering and to our fabulous volunteers Susan, Cathy and team.

Marathon results:
Neil Pearson 2.46.50
Chris Truscott 2.48.48
Jody Wall 2.48.50
Ben Streckeisen 2.54.27
Enda S 2.54.50
Rosy Cooper 2.58.22 Pb
Heath J 2.58.25 Pb
Eoin Reville 2.58.24
Ian Gabriel 3.03.27 debut
Tim Austin 3.07.45
Gidon E 3.08 (calf cramp)
Graham Long 3.09.26 Pb
Dave Hazelwood 3.10.26
Chris Knight mara long run.

Pacers/training: Josh Arthur, Charl, Dave Hurdle, Jamie, Neil R, Strommie, Jake Michael, Tom Highnam, Andy Heyden, John Bartlett, Darren Jordan, Fiona Y, Jeet, Richard L, Emma C.

Half marathon results:
Ian Johnson pacing marathon 80.30
John Clarke 24.30 Pb
Grant Cerkasas 86.02
Maya 86.08
Yury G 87.00 pb
Josh Keys pacing Yury
Bipro 89
Greta pacing Bipro
John Clothier 91
Ian Ong 92 Pb
Ken Pang pacing Ian Ong
Emily B 97
Tess Aungles 99

Training runs/support: Max Beavis,
Mickey, Jenny D, Jo Z, Darren B, Paul Birch, Stuart, Nicolas Piellard, Polina, Rania, Michelle, Janine, Ben D, Megs, Rosanna, Jo M, Grant, Lisa, Fe, Matt, Sammie, Zac.

Thanks to our amazing drinks volunteers & covid safety officers Cathy & Susan.

Other Boston virtuals 👏🏻:
Tom Murray - Narrabeen lake 3.40
Clare Jones - Narrabeen lake 3.32
Flavia Caspary - iso treadmill 4.04

Drinks / nutrition table prep - thank you volunteers susan, cathy and team

Drinks / nutrition table prep - thank you volunteers susan, cathy and team

happiness post marathon finish.. phew!!

happiness post marathon finish.. phew!!

Rejoov City foreshore 10k TT 29/8/20

Rejoov City foreshore 10k TT 29/8/20

Rejoov City foreshore 10k TT 29/8/20: Great conditions, terrific morning, coffee & breakfast after at The Terrace opposite the NSW Art Gallery.
Grant C 37.05
Sam C 37.27
Heath J 37.34 debut Pb
John C 37.54 Pb
Maya B 38.05
Dave Hurdle 38.1
Ian G 38.24 pacing
Yury G 38.42 Pb
Mickey A 38.43 Pb
Nick Hutton 39.28
Greta T 39.42
Steve Mardlin 40.14debut Pb
Harriet B 40.14 Pb
Sean F 40.49
Bipro Das 41.2 Tempo
Max Beavis 41.4
Neil R 42
Lee 42.22 Pb
Emily B 44.02
Kate Read 45.14
Ruby H 46.46
Grace H 47.5
Keely 51.41
Flavia 51.56 Pb
Andy B 52.31 Pb
Cathy R 54.28
Alice K 56.13
Janine T 1.00.08
Rosanna A 1.00.40
Rajesh B 1.01
Arianne V 1.03
Emma Trehy 1.08 on chemo 💜

charl rosy chris paul - way to go team!!

charl rosy chris paul - way to go team!!

Nepean Delta/hurts 10k TT
Chris Truscott 32.59
Charl Jansen 34.23 Pb
Rosy Cooper 35.46 Pb
Paul Birch 38.45 Pb

Xmas in July relays podium 2020 ES Marks track

Xmas in July relays podium 2020 ES Marks track

23rd July 2020 Thursday night Christmas in July Track relays (Josh Arthur’s idea) were super lactic and fast fun!! Some peeps are much faster than we thought for the pairings, it was exciting to watch. Thanks everyone for a top night.

Here are provisional results but let us know if we need to amend . We’ll plan another relay for the Spring.

Xmas in July 400m relay results, 10k in pairs:

Max B Chris Knight 33.23 1st

Nick Hutton Lily L 33.50 2nd

Lee Messent Megs 34:30 3rd

Gareth B Zac Smith 34:40

Dave Hurdle Romy 34,51

Steve M Chris Barrington 35.06

Neil R Sammie Feeley 35:11

Emily B Lyndsey F 35.29

Matt Wacher Louise Cox 35.52

Stuart P Sophie B 36.00

Sam Cornell Jenna 36.20

Chris Truscott Lesley 36.33

Greta Nicola Logan 36.34

Graham Long Flavia 36:43

Josh A Cathy Rowney 36.44

Maya B Andrew B 36.55

Harriet B Rania Beattie 36.56

Rosy Cooper Nicola Evans 37.14

John Clarke Susan 38:04

Christmas in July, night at the track, a pic then we all dispersed. We had our covid officers enforcing.

Christmas in July, night at the track, a pic then we all dispersed. We had our covid officers enforcing.

Sydney Olympic Park well done gang!

Sydney Olympic Park well done gang!

JUNE 6TH 2020 City 10k TIME TRIAL in waves: 
Chris 34.29
Ian Gabriel 37.04 pb 
Maya Borthwick 37.30 pb
Sean McGoldrick 38.30 pb 
Grant Cerkesas (5k 18.48 coming back from injury) 
Yury Giken 39.00 Pb 
Mickey Anderson 39.29 pb 
Greta 40.12 post marathon 6 days ago
Matt Wacher 41.12
Max Beavis 41.25 
Stu Plumb 41.39
Bipro 41. Pb
Harriet Beavis 41. 
Belle Green 43.01 
Bron Armytage 43.29
Emily Bassett 43.38
Ari Katz 15yrs old 45.38 pb
Aisling Railing 46.11 tempo post injury 
Jacq Chow 49 pb 
Susan McCallum 49.19 2nd fastest time 
Alice 52.29 pb 
Flavia 52.42 pb 
Lesley 53.30 pb 
Matt Jordan 53.37
Nicole Katz 53.56 
Sarah Downey 53 post injury 

City time trial warming up

City time trial warming up

Sydney Olympic park TT: 
Josh Arther 34:30, 
Charl Jansen 34:35 (pb), 
Nico Roth 36:52 (pb), 
Rosy Cooper 36:54 (pb), 
Jamie Broom 37:58, 
Dave Hurdle 38:44, 
Gareth Beddoes 41:48 (2min pb), 
Neil Rosenbaum 42:47

city time trial Warming up

city time trial Warming up

time trial smiles afterwards.jpg

Happy days post time trial :-)

Issy's Middle of No Where Marathon for Gotcha4Life

Middle of No Where Marathon

by Issy Boland (Issy trains with Rejoov online, she lives and works on the family farm in northern NSW and has gone from strength to strength with her running including Canberra marathon PB 3.13 April 2021 with coach Greta & all the gang that was our biggest event since 2019 after covid 2020. Then Delta hit and Issy’s Dubbo marathon turned virtual, which is where the blog takes us. Issy we are so proud of your passion and kindness).

Issy Boland on the family farm, sis on the bike and dad with the starter gun

Issy Boland on the family farm, sis on the bike and dad with the starter gun

Back in March last year, when I first began lacing up my joggers and breaking into a sweat around our family farm of a morning, I could never have imagined where this new-found hobby would lead me. 


Despite the common misconception, running is far more than a fast walk, causing side effects like redness, fatigue and lots and lots of sweat. 


Running has the potential to bring people together, put smiles on faces and even change lives. 


You just have to let it.

issy’s sister on the bike leading issy for company

issy’s sister on the bike leading issy for company


When our French worker Sophie got the call last week that she had lost one of her good friends, a bubbly young woman with a bright future ahead of her, to suicide, my heart shattered. For her, for her family, for Sophie. This is sadly one story of many, that countless Australian famiies face each and every single day. 


And from there, I could not sit still.


Just like any passion, there are two essential elements: the fire, and the fuel. Well, I found my fire: running. And the fuel? An intense desire to change lives.


Dubbo Stampede. It was set to be my second marathon for 2021, and my second marathon ever. The switch to a virtual-style marathon really did not appeal to me –I ‘umm-ed’ and ‘ahh-ed’ about my entry. I eventually decided to sign up, although I did not know how the heck I was going to get over the finish line. 


Following hearing about Sophie’s friend, I found my motivation and I knew I was going to make it over that line. I started a fundraising page on the Gotcha4Life website – an incredible charity that focuses on delivering tailored programs to communities in an attempt to create awareness about mental illness, and aims to improve Australia’s mental fitness so that we, as a nation, can move towards zero suicides. I chose this charity because it is passionate about mates supporting mates, which echoes Australia’s distinctive mateship characteristic that is so prominent in communities just like my own.


the marathon map

the marathon map

My sister and I mapped out the course, signifying the course start line with a bottle of coolant we found in the back of one of the farm utes. The track went through our farm, to the highway out the back, along the highway, turning down one of the roads where we pass neighbouring properties, then turning back towards home, passing the small isolated school where a lot of our district (myself included) began our education (some 80kms from our closest town) on the ‘home straight’ back towards our property, finishing at our turn off on the main road, symbolised by a large Telstra tower. Primarily bitumen, with black soil and some gravel on the farm track.


I kicked off at 6:30am. Dad was on the starting gun (literally a gun), my sister followed behind me the entire way and pedalled an old kid’s bike that we used to get to the school bus stop many years ago, Mum and Soph (the French worker) were in the car – setting up drink stations every so often, my oldest brother and his girlfriend cheered at the start/middle and end, and my cousin and my other brother ran the last 5km. Local farmers and their families popped up at various points along the way and cheered me on, with two of my old school teachers walking the last stretch.


Finished with a new PB of 3.09 – 4 minutes less than my Canberra time but it was not about the time on the board. It never was. We raised just short of $3000 (amazing) but it was not about the total. We got the message out to hundreds of people – the message that it is okay not to be okay, and if that message helps someone struggling, convinces them to seek help, or encourages someone to pick up the phone and check on their mates, then regardless of the time, regardless of the total, we WON. And that is all that matters.

cross that finish line - finish lines are everywhere

cross that finish line - finish lines are everywhere


Be kind to yourselves and stay safe,


Issy xx

Thumbs up to this awesome family

Thumbs up to this awesome family


Congrats issy we are so proud, keep on shining, thanks to your lovely sister and family for all their support

Congrats issy we are so proud, keep on shining, thanks to your lovely sister and family for all their support



Cathy's Debut 100km Run at 58yrs old

Debut Ultra 100km Run

by Cathy Rowney 4th August 2021 

The idea of running a 100km in one go came to me after running 80km last October where I raised funds for ovarian cancer. I work as a specialist nurse in Gynaecology / Oncology in clinics and ward settings at the Royal Hospital for Women Randwick.  I have worked here for close to 17 years and have a passion for women’s health. My extra motivation to run the 80km last year also stemmed from my beautiful mother in law Veronica Rowney who had been undergoing treatment for stage 4 ovarian cancer throughout last year.

Mother in law veronica with Cathy rowney

Mother in law veronica with Cathy rowney

I had two big motivators to attempt a 100km in 2021. I am a breast cancer survivor and this year is my 10 year survival year and what a challenge this would be to kick cancers butt. Then there was the 1000 miles to light for reach out organised by Pat Farmer with my coach Greta Truscott with two others to make the Aussie team and run against a team from the USA. They were running for Reach out who are there for youths struggling with mental health. Also Pat Farmer was raising awareness for a dear running friend who lost his battle to depression last year. He was a friend of mine too and always supported me in my running and swimming adventures. I decided to do a fund raiser with Beyond Blue for Steven Garamy our dearly departed friend, and raised over $3,000. I was hoping to run the 100km whilst they were running but mixed up my dates and took time off the wrong week at work . So my date was then scheduled for 4th August. {Cathy incredibly backed up with a 1000 Miles to Light virtual marathon 42.2km (with ~2,700 other virtual runners via Running Heroes) on August 14th Day 1 of the event and donated generously to the cause. Cathy you are amazing and so very much appreciated in every way].

steven garamy far right next to coach greta & Jaden at Pat farmers 2019 quicksand maroubra where we ran marathon relays on the sand

steven garamy far right next to coach greta & Jaden at Pat farmers 2019 quicksand maroubra where we ran marathon relays on the sand

cathy ran a marathon virtually with 1000 miles to light & donated to reach out after doing her 100km!! huge huge kudos & thanks cathy

cathy ran a marathon virtually with 1000 miles to light & donated to reach out after doing her 100km!! huge huge kudos & thanks cathy

Unfortunately Veronicas cancer came back with a vengeance early July this year and she sadly passed away 28th July. Her funeral was scheduled for 6th August. It meant I could just put the 100km on the backburner or just have a go.  I had trained so hard for much of this year with loads of long runs and back up long distances on consecutive days. I decided to go ahead on the 4th August starting at 4.30am. 

Cathy and her biggest supporter janine Tenille

Cathy and her biggest supporter janine Tenille

I created a Whats App group and had massive support from the Rejoov runners , Gilbert from Striders, family and friends.  Started from home with Fran Boorer around Botany then headed off towards Janine Tenille (my biggest supporter) in Alexandria. Felt fabulous and Janine stayed with me till I reached 20kms. Had plenty of music to chill along with till I met Lisa Sherman just pass Kyeemagh. Lisa stayed with me till the 44km mark after out and back to Taren Point Bridge . Had some time on my own till the 55km mark at Ramsgate where the lovely Emma Trehy and Penny Johnston joined me, playing tag as to keep just two runners together due to covid restrictions. They left me at 60km at Kyeemagh  A change of socks undies a freshen up , Panadol and magnesium cream on the legs and glutes and some food prepared me so much better for the final 40km (great tip from Nayda Caminer) 

Nutritionist lisa sherman and cathy

Nutritionist lisa sherman and cathy

Plenty of good music (Stevie Nicks live) kept me going till I headed back towards Mascot, saw my Mum and Sis at the 70km mark. Ran into Fran again at Wentworth Ave with her daughter Bronte at the 75km mark. Was feeling really good, I just kept moving along and enjoying all the messages coming through on Whats App. Hit Malabar to a support crew, Greta, Susan, Edel, Kat with her beautiful pooches Bruce and Kevin holding up a sign with Go Cathy (so sweet). Caught Chris Truscott Malabar beach and hit the 80km. Was a whole new challenge now. Furthest I’ve ever ran. 

cathy’s cheer squad at malabar

cathy’s cheer squad at malabar

cathy and coaches chris and greta

cathy and coaches chris and greta

Susan kept me company till we met with Andrea Maroubra Junction followed by Bea, Michelle and Debbie Neville. Andrea continued till Kingsford just before 90km mark and the other lovely ladies stayed with me till the finish. It was getting darker now and the girls kept me upbeat. I ran walked ,then ran some more till we got to the 99km mark near my home in Banksmeadow. The going was tough after 95km but I pushed and knew I could do this even if I crawled the rest of the way. With 1km to go picked up the pace and ran it home. Thanks to these gorgeous girls and so many support messages I completed my first 100Km. 

support crew beatriz michelle debbie

support crew beatriz michelle debbie

cathy’s sprint finish

cathy’s sprint finish

Cant thank everyone enough for helping me achieve this goal Greta my awesome coach  and her awesome hubby Chris who gave me great advice to keep that fuel going from the start, made a huge difference, never felt weak dizzy or nauseated like the 80km. Rejoov buddies, family and friends. My strength drawn from Veronica who I felt was with me the whole way keeping me going. Love you all. Thankyou with all my heart 

Cathy Rowney 

congratulations super woman cathy, on your outstanding achievement for life and love. we love you

congratulations super woman cathy, on your outstanding achievement for life and love. we love you