Canberra Marathon by Dom Bullock

Australian Running Festival - debut marathon 2:40:17 smashing his 2.50 target

by Dominic Bullock (24 years old, he also ran the Sydney 10k 4/5/19 just 3 weeks post marathon, in a NEW PB 33.44, 50 secs quicker than his 34.34 PB from the same event a year ago. Next up is the Sydney Harbour 10k late July, City to Surf, Blackmores half marathon, then possibly Melbourne Marathon)

33:44 PB Sydney 10k 4/5/19 Dom Bullock coming onto the track sprint finish off of the road course, about to overtake Brendan Fehon in black

33:44 PB Sydney 10k 4/5/19 Dom Bullock coming onto the track sprint finish off of the road course, about to overtake Brendan Fehon in black

After taking a 6 month break from running, having previously trained for the 800m for the past three years. I was keen for a new challenge but wanted a break from the lactic headaches and hobbling that middle-distance training entailed. The marathon became quite appealing, an event where just getting out the door as often as possible with a few tempos thrown in should be enough, quite a contrast from the brutal speed and endurance work I had previously trained for.

Three months out from Canberra I set the goal of running under 2hours and 50minutes thinking that 4minutes per km seemed like a very respectable but, challenging time for me. I was very nervous stepping up for to the marathon hearing horror stories of people crawling in the last few kms. This kept me quite motivated however, and I ran 30km every Sunday a good 20+km tempo each fortnight.

With 1 month to go I joined Rejoov looking to start working a little harder through training with a squad and getting the guidance of a coach. Running with Rejoov kept me motivated and I actual began to enjoy getting up early to grind out a tough tempo session. These tempo sessions gave me confidence in my running that would be crucial come race day.

Before I knew it race day was here. It was perfect running conditions in the nation’s Capital, cool temperate around 10-15 degrees with not a buff of wind. I felt strangely relaxed on the start line thinking about the long tempos and early mornings I had sacrificed to be here. When the gun went I settled into 4min/km pace however, after 1km felt like I had more to give. I stepped up the pace until I reach a speed similar to how I felt in my tempos. I ran past a few other runner until reaching a pack of 2 other runner.

We worked together rotating the lead for the first half of the race. We crossed the half way mark and I looked at my watch – 1:18:00 – I had just run a half marathon PB. A little panic came over me thinking this could become the nightmare race I had feared. One of the runners in the pack dropped off the pace. It was now just me and one other runner tapping away for the next 20kms. I lead until 34km, I was entering new territory now I had never ran this far before. I could feel the stress of the race catching up to me now and I was began to strain to keep pace. I can remember shouting encouragement to the runner accompanying me and we made a pact we would do our best to shoot for 2hour 40minutes.

At 36km I began to enter a bad batch. I slowed about 20 seconds off the pace I had set out at and every negative thought seemed to be heightened in this venerable emotional state. I saw my family standing on the corner of a hair pin turn cheering me as I came down to the turn. I was so glad to see them, and my spirits began to lift again. I held this slower pace and tried my best to keep up with the other runner for the final 6km in the end he slowly starting drifting away from me but, the hard work had already been done.

Sprinting into the finishing straight I saw the clock it over to 2:40:17. I had smashed my goal! And achieve something I thought was way beyond me. It got me thinking what next and has excited me to see what else I’ll be capable of achieving with the as a member of the Rejoov community!

Dom staying ahead of Athletics NSW co-ordinator James Constantine. Epic race post marathon!!

Dom staying ahead of Athletics NSW co-ordinator James Constantine. Epic race post marathon!!

Fuel during runs

Blog for Rejoov Runners By Lisa Sherman, Nutritionist

Mobile 0413 580 608



Fuel during runs

An important but sometimes overlooked part of training is your nutrition during long sessions. Runners often want to know how much they need to eat during a long run, or what type of food works best. There are general guidelines around amount of energy you need to consume depending on length of session or event and I discuss these in more detail below. But in terms of what food works best – the simple answer is what works best for you and what you have tried in training.


During your long training sessions, you want to experiment with various foods and fuel sources and determine what works best for you to replenish your energy stores, keep you moving, and importantly doesn’t cause a stomach or other digestive upset. You want to aim for energy sources that are easily absorbed, low fibre and low fat foods in the form of carbohydrate to provide quick energy, and a small amount of protein can be helpful to assist with recovery and muscle health.


During my summer training for both swimrun and run events, I’ve experimented with a range of different foods from mashed sweet potato carried in easy to tear open ziplock pouches, dried dates and figs and a range of different gels and chews. It’s always good to have a few different options that work for you so that you can mix it up depending on your session, or if you can’t get your preferred energy source on event day.


As mentioned, the amount of energy or fuel required and when, depends on the length of your session or event. It also varies of course depending on the individual and some prolonged sessions may require more fuel to maximise performance. But as a general guide:


·       Less than 75mins, no fuel needed

·       75mins to 3 hours, 30-60g carbohydrate per hour

·       More than 3 hours, 30-90g carbohydrate per hour


So what does 30g carbohydrate look like? Below are some ideas that you might want to try on your next training session.


·       Small banana or ¼ cup raisins/sultanas (small packet) – 30g

·       3 medjool dates – 30g

·       10 halves dried apricots – 30g

·       4 medium dried figs – 30g

·       1 applesauce squeeze packet – 20-25g

·       1 small or half a large potato (salted boiled or sweet potato) – 30g

·       1 slice white bread with 2 tablespoons honey/jam – 45g

·       2 tablespoons honey – 30g

·       Packaged concentrated gels such as Huma gels (made from chia seeds), Endura, Gu, Tailwind etc. Definitely need to trial these prior to event day as they are a variety of flavours, some have caffeine or additional sodium to help replenish what is lost during exercise.

·       High-carbohydrate sports bars – varies (check label)

·       10 jelly beans – 30g (check label)


You will also need to ensure you are taking on regular and adequate fluid in the form of water and electrolytes. Some runners may also find it helpful to consume a light meal 30-60mins prior to the session or event (depending on what works best for you and what you have tried in the past). Some good options for pre-session energy boost are a small banana,  slice of bread with peanut or nut butter, honey or jam.


And always remember the golden rule for an event – don’t try anything new or that you haven’t tried in training!

Swim Run Australia mixed teams start 2019

Swim Run Australia mixed teams start 2019

Swim Run Australia debut - Lisa and Grant smashed it!

Swim Run Australia debut - Lisa and Grant smashed it!

Boston Marathon by Maya Borthwick

Boston marathon race report

by Maya Borthwick

5.40 am - I wake up before my alarm goes off, excited, race day is finally here. I jump out of bed and look out the window. The weather and what it’s going to do on race day has been a hot topic, with predictions for rain, thunderstorms and wind. It’s raining outside and windy but no thunderstorms yet, phew!

Andrew and I jog slowly over the bridge to the Boston Common where the buses collect runners to take them out to the start line. We’re almost there when the rain starts, then the thunder. The rain is torrential and I’m grateful for the rain poncho that I bought from 7/11. It’s not fancy but it’s keeping me dry. I meet Juny and her friend and say goodbye to Andrew. We stand in the line for the bus and we’re on in a matter of minutes.

45 mins later we arrive at the athletes village in Hopkinton. The rain has stopped. We file into the village. The rain has turned the ground into a bog and there’s no choice but to walk through the mud. In parts I can barely lift my feet up due to the suction from the squelchy mud underneath, thankfully I’ve brought a change of shoes with me and they’re dry. A quick pit stop and then we line up for the corrals, the time here goes more quickly than I expected.

I line up two rows from the front. I figure this is far enough back to stop me getting carried away with the enthusiastic runners at the start. We wait at the start line for around 20 minutes and then the count down begins. 3,2,1 and we’re off. The first km is a steep downhill, I feel like I’m holding back but as I hit the 1 km mark I look at my watch, 3.52 whoops! I slow a bit to what feels to me like around 4.15 pace but every time I look at my watch it says I’m doing low 4min kms. I go through 5km in 20.25. Uh oh! I hope that the fast start won’t come back to bite me later on.

Even though it seems like we’re in the country, people line the streets the whole way. There are blokes drinking beers and cheering us and kids are everywhere, putting their hands out for high fives. I try to high five a few but it’s hard to do this and to keep momentum. I hit 10 kms in 41 mins- still too fast but I’m feeling good.

The next 10 kms goes quickly although it flattens out a bit here. I take this as a good sign as in previous marathons even the first half has seemed long. I go through half way in 1.28.30, still well on target for a sub 3 hour race. Just before we reach the half way mark we hit the Wellesley college scream tunnel. It’s fantastic, it seems like every girl in the college has turned up to cheer us on. They’re waving placards, asking for kisses...hopefully they get a few.

At 27 kms we hit the Newton hills, 4 hills in succession, covering 7kms. I realise now that I’ve gone out too hard. The hills seem like they go forever and the downhill seems brief. The last hill, Heartbreak Hill, is between 33 and 34 km and by now I’m cooked, my legs are shattered and it’s also starting to get hot on course, there’s no shade to speak of. I crest the hill and look at my watch, uh oh, 5.19 pace, I need to make up time now. I lean down the hill and cover the next km in 4.16 but I can’t keep it up. I’m still on track for a PB though.

The next 6kms are so hard, it’s still not flat, a bit of downhill is followed by more uphill. I try to pick up my legs and go faster, I’m thinking about the race pace tempos I did in the park after 20kms but my legs won’t cooperate. I think about everyone tracking me at home and how they’d be seeing me slow, I manage a few faster kms. We’re right into Boston now and the crowds are huge. People are cheering and calling out my name, stay strong Maya, looking good. Except I know that I’m not. I set myself a goal of keeping under 5 min kms. In the last 2kms my quads start cramping and I walk a bit. Finally I come into Boylston Street and I can see the finish line. I try and pick it up again for the finish, I can still get a PB. I cross the line and stop my watch. 3.08.16.

The Boston marathon was a truly amazing race, great atmosphere, huge buzz and the most challenging course I've run to date. I’m now looking forward to ticking off the other world marathon majors.

Maya on her way to a PB 3.08.16 in her first Marathon Major

Maya on her way to a PB 3.08.16 in her first Marathon Major

Rejoovers & Hurt squad mates at celebratory drinks post marathon

Rejoovers & Hurt squad mates at celebratory drinks post marathon