Northburn NZ 100 MILES by Lisa Mintz
/Northburn 100 mile race done. Got my buckle within the 48 hours required. If I’m crazy enough to enter I now have a Hard Rock qualifier. Only one race in Oz and one in NZ are qualifiers.
Thank you Greta and Chris for the awesome training and just as importantly each and ever member for your camaraderie, encouragement and friendships along the way.
A very tough race in extreme weather ranging from
searing heat to gale like wind storms over a 47 hour period. I’m in a total daze at present. I can’t quite comprehend it.
I was very lucky to have two amazing pacers. One did the second 50 km with me and one did the last 60. To be totally honest, I would not have this belt buckle without their help. They deserve a piece of it.
The first pacer was great at reminding me to fuel often and put on more clothes at night, she knows the mountain well and was good at spotting markers at night. This helped keep me strong, healthy and safe.
The second was my friend Alia who came with from Sydney. She kept me at pace and moving forward in the last 10 kms when I said to her. What are we here for? I don’t care about the buckle anymore. I want to go to sleep.
This has been a dream of mine.
Four, 100 Miler’s started. Second one completed. But first one completed within offical cut off. I’m elated, tired and happy. Goal achieved.
Blessed to have the health, and family and friendships supporting me to do this. I never take that for granted. Thank you all xx
Lisa Mintz with her belt buckle scoring her 100 miles - biggest congratulations Lisa!!